Bird meeting at Binfield, River Medina January 16th 2022

14 members met at the car park opposite the Breeze for a walk on the righthand bank of the R Medina to The Folly and return. Having had rain overnight the going underfoot was very wet and muddy and the tide was high. However during the course of the morning we had a respectable haul of 41 bird species. A Greenfinch was heard from the car park and a family of 2 adults and 5 juvenile Mute Swan swam from Island Harbour out into the river. A number of Coot were seen on the other side of the river as were a number of Cormorant and 3 Canada Geese. A small flock of Brent Geese was seen, some close in. As the river was flat calm, we were able to see 7 Little Grebe together and another 7 were spotted dotted around. The gulls represented were Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Common Gull and three Mediterranean Gull. A group of some 46 Turnstone were at roost on a pontoon near The Folly and on the lawn at Pinkmead 14 Black Tailed Godwit were feeding with some Oystercatcher. A yacht and Blade Runner 2 came past and disturbed a flock of some 40 – 50 Lapwing. Along the shoreline were at least 5 Meadow Pipits and Skylark were to be seen by the fence line. Towards the end of the walk a pair of Stonechat put in an appearance. A couple of Song Thrush could be heard singing from the trees and a Mistle Thrush was also heard. Other passerines seen or heard were Blue Tit, Great Tit, Robin, Blackbird and House Sparrow. We also heard Green Woodpecker and Great Spotted Woodpecker and Rook, Carrion Crow, Jackdaw, Woodpigeon and Magpie too. There were a number of Dunnock which we all got a good view of and heard its lovely song. The only bird of prey was a Buzzard and the last bird seen back in the car park was a Pied Wagtail. In the woodland by the static homes we saw 2 Red Squirrels. Jackie Hart

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