Bird meeting at Culver on 15th October 2017

The weather was very mild for this time of year, 17C, but overcast and a bit breezy. 12 of us met at the far car park on Culver Down. We skirted the cliffs from the far end, past the footpath that leads down to Yaverland, making our way back around the fort and up past the monument.
In total 25 species of birds were seen. We stopped to admire two Peregrine Falcons soaring on the air currents; a joy to watch. Two buzzards and possibly four Kestrels were seen hunting. More than one charm of goldfinches flew overhead!
Stonechats seemed to be on every bush; Meadow Pipits and Skylarks took to the skies. The bushes at the far end of Culver seemed to have more small birds than usual. Debbie Hart

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