Bird walk in Parkhurst Forest June 28th

Ten people met in the main car park at Parkhurst Forest at 8.30 pm for a short walk to the site where we have seen and heard Nightjars in previous years. Although this meeting was about three weeks later than usual after a patient wait a very soft churring sound was heard and a bit later much louder. After waving a white handkerchief in the air a Nightjar came to investigate shortly followed by another. As night was closing in a bird came to sit on the top of a nearby bare tree and we had good views of its profile and we could also hear it constantly calling. Two Woodcock were seen flying over. David pointed out a Glowworm in the vegetation nearby. On our way back to the car park we heard Nightjars churring so we think we probably had five birds in all. We also spotted two more Glowworms and a Toad. Jackie Hart

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