Six intrepid members met at the Medina Riverside Park picnic site under leaden skies and a stiff breeze for a walk led by Toni Goodley. Thankfully, there were only a couple of light showers during the morning which did not spoil an enjoyable walk. Eighteen species were recorded during a brief watch at the picnic site and the car park. We returned to the cycle path where we had a lovely close view of a Buzzard as we headed towards Dodnor. Gadwall is a species of duck which has now established itself on the Isle of Wight and over 20 were recorded together by the waters edge. The male Mandarin Duck was looking splendid in his breeding plumage at Dodnor Pond but only had female Mallard to attract! We continued our walk past the Vestas wind turbine factory and stopped to view the Medina at the gateway. The hoped for Bullfinch did not appear, passerines were in short supply due to the blustery wind. A pair of Peregrines were observed in a field on the opposite bank at Heathfield Farm. We then returned along the cycle path. 36 species were recorded during the morning as follows: Goldfinch, Song Thrush, Black-headed Gull, Mallard, Herring Gull, Mute Swan, Oystercatcher, Grey Heron, Mediterranean Gull, Common Gull, Redshank, Robin, Woodpigeon, Jay, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Cormorant, Buzzard, Magpie, Coot, Teal, Rook, Gadwall, House Sparrow, Tufted Duck, Little grebe, Pied Wagtail, Carrion Crow, Mandarin Duck, Moorhen, Wren, Peregrine, Canada Goose, Brent Goose, Blackbird and Shelduck.
Mandarin Duck, Dodnor Pond
Jim Baldwin