Laundry Lane, Brading

Sunday 20th August 2017
The weather was mild, partly cloudy and with light winds as 14 members met at
Carpenter’s Rd end of Laundry Lane. We walked along the cycle/footpath, successfully seeing the Marsh Harrier and later a Hobby. A grey heron was in the triangular field. A few dragonflies, mostly Common Darters, were zooming around near Bexley Point and further on towards Marsh House. Butterflies,
especially Meadow Brown, were there in a fair number for this time of year.Around past the house we checked the fields and views towards the Brading Ponds. Canada geese were noted. Swallows were still in abundance. Goldfinches were seen.
Coming back along the path, we stopped to admire a male Reed Bunting, singing away at us. A Cetti’s was heard in the trees. A variety of other birds sang out eg Long-tailed tits, robin, wren, greenfinch, willow/chiff.
We crossed the scrape noting the high water levels on the ponds near New Bridge which meant there were few birds visible apart from a few coots, mallards, teal as very little able to feed on muddy banks.
Including a Cormorant, a Kestrel and a Little Egret, 32 varieties of birds were seen. Debbie Hart

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