Over 20 members attended this walk, which was led by Dave and Hazel Trevan.The walk focused on the eastern side of the village, and took in coastal features, both St. Lawrence Churches,Pelham Woods, the Field Cow Wheat site, the top cliff overlooking the village and concluded at the Peace Garden.
Members visited a garden where an unusual alien species grows, “Cock’s Eggs”, Salpichroa origanifolia,the oldest and longest established site in the country for this South American species.Plenty of the parasitic “Ivy Broomrape” Orobanche hederae was seen.In Pelham Woods we observed Arum italicum ssp.neglectum and”Yellow Archangel”, Lamiastrum galeobdolon.
In the Victorian Church members were able to see the Pre-raphaelite stained glass window panels by the artists William Morris, Ford Maddox Brown and Burne- Jones,that have recently been re-dedicated.
All the members present decided to hike up the steep and uneven walk to the top cliff, where amazing geological features could be observed. The highlight for many was a visit to the “Field Cow Wheat” Melampyrum arvense site, where this beautiful rare plant was looking at its best.
The group made their way across the St. Lawrence Shute where lovely views of Ventnor and St. Lawrence could be seen from the top cliff. Bee Orchids(Ophrys apifera) and Pyramidal Orchids(Anacamptis pyramidalis) were seen.As we descended St. Rhadagunds steps, we saw good stands of the “Bastard Toadflax”, Thesium humifusum.
The walk concluded with a look at the St. Lawrence Peace Garden.