Looking at the Countryside-Yarmouth Walk 8th May 2016

Yarmouth Walk

27 members meet at the Boatyard  near Saltern Wood Quay for a walk led by Helen Danby and Michele Van Buren. First of all Helen took us round her 8 acre wood, Saltern Wood East which was looking particularly beautiful with a grand display of Bluebells and Wood Anemones

Bluebells” (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) at Salterns Wood (Photo:Dave Trevan)

There were many Blackcaps singing and the odd Pheasant was heard calling. Blackbird, Buzzard,, Dunnock, Robin, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Wren, Chaffinch, and Woodpigeon were also seen or heard.


“Tree Mallow”Lavatera arborea Norton Spit

Photo:Dave Trevan

Our walk took us down Gasworks Lane and noted Jay and Green Woodpecker. As we passed the extensive area of reeds we could hear the explosive call of the Cetti’s warbler.

We walked on the western edge of Norton


Yellow Horned Poppy” (Glaucium flavum) at Norton Spit (Photo: Dave Trevan)

Early Purple Orchid” (Orchis mascula) Salterns Wood)(Phot0:Dave Trevan)

Spit and saw Black-headed Gulls and a Mallard. Out on the Solent Sandwich Terns were fishing and calling. We walked along the water’s edge to Fort Victoria where we were met by another two members of the Society who missed us at the beginning. As time was now running short we walked up through the woodland to the old railway track and turned left and then joined Westhill Lane


Bluebell” (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) Salterns Wood (Photo:Dave Trevan)



Planted “Wild Service Tree” (Sorbus torminalis) Salterns Wood

(Photo:Hazel Trevan)

Chiffchaff, Long Tailed Tit and Crows were added to our bird list. Helen took us through a cut in the hedge line and we came out on a common area in Graeme Road where we saw some lovely Early Purple Orchid,then back up Westhill Lane to join Yarmouth Road and then took a footpath which eventually took us back to Gasworks Lane.

“Wood Anemone” (Anemone nemorosa)

Salterns Wood

Photo:Dave Trevan


View over the river from Salterns Wood

Here there was a lovely view over the W Yar to Yarmouth.  22 species of birds were noted, mainly by the bird song, during the course of the morning.

Jackie Hart

List of notable plants observed-Salterns Wood

Anemone nemorosa “Wood Anemone”

Digitalis purpurea “Foxglove”

Euphorbia amygdaloides “Wood Spurge”

Galanthus nivalis “Snowdrop”

Hyacinthoides non-scripta “Bluebell”

Iris foetidissima “Stinking Iris”

Lonicera perclymenum “Honeysuckle”

Orchis mascula “Early Purple Orchid”

Primula veris “Cowslip”

Primula vulgaris “Primrose”

Sorbus torminalis “Wild Service Tree” nice specimens planted in the wood

Viola riviniana

Along the coast to Fort Victoria

Erodium cicutarium “Common Storksbill”

Lavatera arborea “Tree Mallow”

Glaucium flavum “Yellow Horned Poppy”

Sue Blackwell and Dave Trevan




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