Water Blitz comes to the Isle of Wight…

Become a Citizen Scientist and help your local environment by taking part in the Isle of Wight Water Blitz and help to build up a map of water quality across the island! The Water Blitz will run between the 25th November and the 20th December.

You can be part of current scientific research by using quick and simple test kits to measure the levels of two widespread pollutants, nitrate and phosphate, in the Isle of Wight’s many ponds, ditches and streams.

Opening Event – 25th Nov (10am-12pm) @ Riverside Centre, Newport.

Join us for an introductory talk to the Water Blitz. Find out everything you need to know before collecting your kits and heading out to test your local freshwater habitats.

Find out more here: https://freshwaterhabitats.org.uk/projects/isle-of-wight-waterblitz/


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