Bird Meeting at West High Down on 17th August 2024

Seven members meet on a lovely sunny morning at High Down Chalk Pit car park for a walk in the area. We saw three species of raptors during the morning with an adult and plaintive juvenile flying around overhead in the car park. Whilst we were waiting for the meeting to begin a Peregrine flew over and was gone. On our walk up the track a Kestrel rewarded us with superb views 0f it both perched and flying. A Great Spotted Woodpecker calling could be heard and much later a Green Woodpecker. Whilst we were looking for Dartford Warblers, unsuccessfully, we saw at least one pair of Stonechat, Whitethroat, Chiffchaff and Linnet. Although we were keeping a lookout for Swallows only two were noted. A flock of some 35 to 40 Rooks were seen on the down. Other birds noted were Robin two adults and one juvenile, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Wren, Goldfinch, Crow and Magpie.

Other than these we saw a bee-fly, Red Admiral, Specked Wood, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper and a very large number of Chalkhill Blues. Jackie Hart

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