Wild Roses


Rosa hybrid in Downend chalkpit © GT

Rosa hybrid in Downend chalkpit © GT

Before making any collections make sure that they will be justified and can be submitted to an acceptable ‘Determiner’, to decide the ID. If you are not a member of one of the specialist societies first enquiries are possibly best addressed to the British Museum Natural History (BMNH), South Kensington.

Samples should be of –

  • Fresh (preferred) fruiting material.
  • A portion of stem with fully developed hips (though not necessarily ripe).
  • Approx., 20cm of mature leading stem with leaves and characteristic prickles.
  • Some notes on size and type of bush.
  • If sepals are falling a representative sample should be included separately.

Material in flower is impossible to determine.

Rosa checklist (3kb, ZIP)


  • Graham and Primavesi (1993) Roses of Great Britain and Ireland, Botanical Society of the British Isles, London.