Hummingbird Hawk Moths

Hummingbird Hawk Moth © IF

Hummingbird Hawk Moth © IF

Kris Codd & Pete Bradley mentioned finding one of these and asked was it unusual? Ian Fletcher said about it ‘The status given in the field guide says they are immigrant, suspected resident, and goes on to say, “a frequent immigrant from southern Europe and north Africa, most numerous near the south coast, but has reached all parts of the British Isles and the Channel Islands. The number recorded varies considerably annually and in some years exceeds 1000. Suspected breeding resident in south-west England, where it hibernates in small numbers.” and adds ‘we had 3 hummingbird hawk-moths here this year and our next door neighbour has had several at a time on her buddleia. We went today to photograph a moth which needed sending off for identification and the recorder had a couple of them on his buddleia’

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